Friday, August 12, 2005

Meditation Groups List (Baltimore Area)

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Baltimore area
FRESH BREEZE MINDFULNESS SANGHA (FBMS) meets at the at the Govans Presbyterian Church, 5824 York Road, Baltimore. Saturday mornings from 8:30 until 10:30 a.m. Call Carol at 410-323-2180 for details or email The FBMS is a meditation group formed with the intention of studying and practicing mindful living as taught by Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh. We meet to share sitting and walking meditation, sutra readings and dharma discussion in the style of Plum Village, the practice center established by Thich Nhat Hanh in France. The group welcomes those who are new to meditation practice, as well as those with an established practice. Newcomers are encouraged to call beforehand to receive a brief orientation before their first session. As each session will begin with silent sitting, it is important that all participants plan to arrive at least 10 minutes before 8:30 a.m., so that we will be prepared to settle into silence by 8:30. Some meditation cushions (zafus) and chairs will be available, however it will be helpful if those who have their own cushions or meditation benches would bring them for sitting. ~10/05

Baltimore area
The Lotus Heart Mindfulness Sangha is a spiritual community of friends practicing Zen Buddhism in the tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh. MD. Visit for details. ~9/05

Baltimore area
Namo Myoho
Baltimore Soka Gakkai Community Center offers meditation classes, visit for details. ~9/05

Baltimore area
The Buddhist Network of Greater Baltimore provides information about area Buddhist groups and other items of interest to Dharma practitioners. Visit their web page at ~9/05

Baltimore area
The Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Sangha in Baltimore, MD offers classes on meditation and awakening consciousness through the Art of Living course. For details, visit ~9/05

Baltimore area
Siddha Yoga (Gurumayi) Center in Baltimore offers meditation events. Visit and search for "Maryland" for details. ~9/05

Baltimore area
For info on the Greater Baltimore Sai Baba Center visit ~9/05

Baltimore area
Ja Ling Tibetan Buddhist Center in Baltimore offers meditation classes and Buddhist worship services. Also visit the Baltimore Tibet Town cultural center at ~9/05

Baltimore area
VIKATADAMSHTRI BUDDHIST CENTER, Baltimore - Founded by Buddhist Master and author, Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche, the Center offers meditation and study programs in Kadampa Buddhism. Classes are held throughout Maryland and consist of guided meditations, talks, and discussion. In-depth study programs are also offered. For details, visit ~9/09

Baltimore area
Vajra Konchog Ling is a center for the study and practice of Tibetan Buddhism in Baltimore. The center is located at 2911 Bayonne Avenue in Hamilton. Web site is at ~9/05

Baltimore area
Baltimore Shambhala Meditation Center (Secular and Buddhist) offers various meditation classes. Visit for details. ~9/05

Baltimore area
INSIGHT MEDITATION, REDUCE STRESS & CULTIVATE AWARENESS. The Mindful Way practices Insight (vipassana) meditation, emphasizing mindfulness, calmness, and clarity. Practice includes sitting and walking meditation plus tapes and discussion. The group meets every Monday from 7 PM to 8:30 PM at the Towson Unitarian Universalist Church. We ask that you arrive by 7 PM so as not to disturb those meditating. Both advanced practitioners and newcomers are welcome. For new meditators, instruction will be given the first Monday of every month at 6:30 PM. The Mindful Way does not charge for any of its programs. The Mindful Way, Towson Unitarian Universalist Church, 1710 Dulaney Valley Road, Baltimore, MD. (1.25 miles north of the Beltway on Dulaney Valley Road, Exit 27-B). 410-377-2913. Send email to ~9/05

Baltimore area
The Baltimore Meditation Group ( ) offers Theravadan meditation classes and events. ~9/05

Baltimore area
Baltimore Insight Meditation Group. Insight meditation on Sundays. ~9/11

Baltimore area
The Burning House Sangha (formerly The Baltimore Zendo) offers Zen meditation and instruction. For details visit their web page at ~9/05

Baltimore area
The ZEN COMMUNITY OF BALTIMORE (ZCB), Clare Sangha ( offers meditation retreats and guidance in Zen practice. The ZCB is an affiliate of the Zen Community of New York. ~9/05

Baltimore area
Baltimore Dharma Group offers the Beginner's Mind Meditation Class. The Beginner's Mind class introduces beginning meditators to the basics of Dharma Practice and how to establish and maintain a meditation practice. For details, visit their web page at ~9/05

Baltimore area
The Howard County Dharma Group provides a place for those who wish to establish, maintain, and deepen a meditation practice with the support and encouragement of others. For details see ~12/08